Nuclear deformation and dynamics of migrating cells in 3D confinement reveal adaptation of pulling and pushing forces

Stefan Stöberl, Johannes Flommersfeld, Maximilian M. Kreft, Martin Benoit, Chase P. Broedersz, Joachim O. Rädler

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Eukaryotic cells show an astounding ability to remodel their shape and cytoskeleton and to migrate through pores and constrictions smaller than their nuclear diameter. However, the relation of nuclear deformation and migration dynamics in confinement remains unclear. Here, we study the mechanics and dynamics of mesenchymal cancer cell nuclei transitioning through three-dimensional compliant hydrogel channels. We find a biphasic dependence of migration speed and transition frequency on channel width, peaking at widths comparable to the nuclear diameter. Using confocal imaging and hydrogel bead displacement, we determine nuclear deformations and corresponding forces during confined migration. The nucleus deforms reversibly with a reduction in volume during confinement. With decreasing channel width, the nuclear shape during transmigration changes biphasically, concomitant with the transitioning dynamics. Our proposed physical model explains the observed nuclear shapes and transitioning dynamics in terms of the cytoskeletal force generation adapting from purely pulling-based to a combined pulling- and pushing-based mechanism with increasing nuclear confinement.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereadm9195
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalScience advances
Issue number34
Early online date21 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2024


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