On the potential of progressive performativity: definitional purity, re-engagement and empirical points of departure

S.M. Schaefer, C.M.J. Wickert

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In this article, we respond to Cabantous, Gond, Harding and Learmonth’s (2016) critique of recent conceptual contributions that employ the concept of performativity for prompting progressive changes in organizations. All in all, we seem to share the general unease concerning the marginal impact of Critical Management Studies on re-defining organizational realities. At the same time, we largely disagree on how critical scholars could support effective, progressive changes. In this rejoinder, we respond to but also absorb Cabantous et al.’s critique of progressive performativity and sketch three ways of how to advance discussions of Critical Management Studies’ role in organizational scholarship.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-224
JournalHuman Relations
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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