One word of the time: Identity work of non-strategists in open strategy community

A. Plotnikova*, C. Brielmeier, Martin Friesl

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to ConferenceAbstractAcademic


The trend for greater openness in strategy-making processes invites participation of actors traditionally considered to be non-strategists. However, lack of experience in strategic conversation may provide non-strategists with novel or distinct interpretations of strategically relevant topics and concepts. In this study we investigate the content of an online strategy community instigated within a large telecommunication firm. By focusing on the first order discourse of participants of strategy platform and triangulating it with their diverse backgrounds and broader organizational discourse, we aim to uncover dynamics of discursive sense-making among organizational actors beyond those who traditionally considered to be a strategist.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2021
EventStrategic Management Society : Virtual Totonto - Totonto , Canada
Duration: 18 Sept 202122 Oct 2021
Conference number: 41st Annual Conference


ConferenceStrategic Management Society
Internet address


  • identuty work, non-strategists, open strategy


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