Ongoing Decline in the Atmospheric COS Seasonal Cycle Amplitude over Western Europe: Implications for Surface Fluxes

Sauveur Belviso, Marine Remaud, Camille Abadie, Fabienne Maignan, Michel Ramonet, Philippe Peylin

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© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (COS) was monitored at the GIF site (France) from August 2014 to November 2021. A significant decreasing trend in the seasonal cycle amplitude (SCA) of the COS was observed for the first time in the Northern Hemisphere (−27 ppt over 6 years). The lowest SCA was recorded in 2021 (80 ppt vs. 107 ppt in 2015). The trend in the SCA results revealed a steeper decline in the spring maximum than in that of the autumn minimum (−49 ppt vs. −10 ppt over 6 years, respectively). These negative trends were qualitatively consistent with those in the tropospheric COS put forward by the NDACC network of ground-based FTIR instruments, which were attributed to a slowing in the rate of COS anthropogenic emissions. Simulations using the ORCHIDEE land-surface model showed that a decrease in COS lowers the uptake of this gas by plants. Our observations suggest the existence of a causal relationship between the decline in the SCA and that in the tropospheric COS, implying that the temporal variations in the COS SCA over Western Europe are essentially driven by plant uptake. However, the transport by the LMDz 3-D model of surface fluxes for each component of the COS budget failed to reproduce this feature at GIF, pointing to a likely misrepresentation of the marine and anthropogenic fluxes in the footprint of this station.
Original languageEnglish
Article number812
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2022
Externally publishedYes


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