Opstand in Holland en Vlaanderen: De Jonker Fransenoorlog (1488-1490) in transregionaal perspectief

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The 'Squire Francis War' plagued Holland between November 1488 and August 1490. This revolt of Hooks against the provincial administration of stadholder Jan van Egmond dominated by the Cod, is almost exclusively examined from the regional perspective of the party strife between 'Hooks' (Hoeken) and 'Cod' (Kabeljauwen) that dominated Holland's political landscape between 1345 and the end of the fifteenth century. By relating the 'revolt of Holland' under the leadership of squire Francis van Brederode to the Flemish Revolt (1482-1492), this article puts the 'Squire Francis War' in a transregional perspective. This article thus contributes to the debate about rebellion in the Netherlands during the transition period between the Middle Ages and Early Modern times, which is dominated by the Dutch Revolt.

Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)28-56
Number of pages28
JournalBMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Opstand , Vlaamse Opstand , Jonker Fransen Oorlog , Jan van Montfoort

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