Parallelization of four-component calculations. II. Symmetry-driven parallelization of the 4-spinor CCSD algorithm

M. Pernpointner, L. Visscher

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Given the importance of the Coupled-cluster (CC) method as an efficient and accurate way to take electron correlation into account, we extend the parallelization technique in the second part of this series also to the 4-Spinor CCSD algorithm implemented in the Dirac-Fock packages DIRAC and MOLFDIR. The present implementation is based on the availability of the transformed molecular two-electron integrals on an external storage medium. The linearity of the CC equations in these two-electron integrals is used in a parallelization strategy that is based on distribution of the two largest integral classes that carry three or four virtual spinor indices. The corresponding partial contributions to the T
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)754-759
JournalJournal of Computational Chemistry
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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