Paul Tillichs Kairosbegriff und die Krise des westlichen Denkens: Individualismus, (Menschen-)Rechte und Freiheit

Research output: Chapter in Book / Report / Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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This article reconstructs Tillich's kairos as a change of perspectives, as a 'crisis of thinking': not only the particular historical events matter, but also the way they are (re-)conceptualized. Covid-19 is a crisis in this sense: it shows that our Western ways of thinking have led into a crisis. We overemphasize science at the cost of practical wisdom. The article shows how detrimental this emphasis was for the politics on Covid-19 in the Netherlands and how many lives could have been saved if we had applied more phronesis. Also, the Covid-19 crisis shows that we overemphasize and misinterpret notions that are crucial for our Western ways of thinking, namely individualism, (human) rights and freedom.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLiminal Spaces and Ethical Challenges
Subtitle of host publicationYearbook 2021/2022
EditorsChristian Danz, Marc Dumas, Werner Schüßler, Bryan Wagoner
PublisherDe Gruyter
Number of pages24
ISBN (Electronic)9783110984729
ISBN (Print)9783110997033
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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