Plume-Induced Breakup of a Subducting Plate: Microcontinent Formation Without Cessation of the Subduction Process

Alexander Koptev*, Anouk Beniest, Taras Gerya, Todd A. Ehlers, Laurent Jolivet, Sylvie Leroy

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Separation of microcontinents is explained by a ridge jump toward the passive margin as a possible consequence of plume-induced rheological weakening, ultimately leading to breakup followed by accretion of the oceanic crust along a new spreading center. In contrast to such a purely extensional case, the separation of continental microblocks from the main body of the African plate during its continuous northward motion and subduction under Eurasia is still poorly understood. Our numerical experiments show the thermal and buoyancy effects of mantle plume impingement on the bottom of the continental part of a subducting plate are sufficient to induce separation of an isolated microcontinental block from the main subducting continent, even during induced plate motion necessary for uninterrupted oceanic and continental subduction. Subsequent continental accretion occurs by decoupling upper-crustal nappes from the newly formed subducting microcontinent, which is in agreement with the Late Cretaceous-Eocene evolution of the eastern Mediterranean.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3663-3675
Number of pages13
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number7
Early online date25 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2019


We thank two reviewers for their helpful and constructive comments. This study is cofunded by the Advanced ERC grant 290864 RHEOLITH (L. Jolivet?A. Koptev) and ERC Consolidator grant 615703 EXTREME (T. Ehlers?A. Koptev). The numerical simulations were performed on the ERC-funded SGI Ulysse cluster of ISTeP. The computer code I3ELVIS used to generate our 3-D thermo-mechanical numerical model is provided in Gerya (). Open source software ParaView ( was used for 3-D visualization. The figures in the supporting information contain the numerical simulation data.

FundersFunder number
ERC Consolidator615703 EXTREME
ERC-fundedI3ELVIS, 3-D
Seventh Framework Programme290864, 615703
European Research Council


    • 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
    • mantle plume
    • microcontinent
    • Neo-Tethys
    • subduction


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