Predicting Forearm Physical Exposures During Computer Work Using Self-Reports, Software-Recorded Computer Usage Patterns, and Anthropometric and Workstation Measurements

Maaike A. Huysmans*, Belinda H.W. Eijckelhof, Jennifer L. Bruno Garza, Pieter Coenen, Birgitte M. Blatter, Peter W. Johnson, Jaap H. Van Dieën, Allard J. van der Beek, Jack T. Dennerlein

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Objectives: Alternative techniques to assess physical exposures, such as prediction models, could facilitate more efficient epidemiological assessments in future large cohort studies examining physical exposures in relation to work-related musculoskeletal symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate two types of models that predict arm-wrist-hand physical exposures (i.e. muscle activity, wrist postures and kinematics, and keyboard and mouse forces) during computer use, which only differed with respect to the candidate predicting variables; (i) a full set of predicting variables, including self-reported factors, software-recorded computer usage patterns, and worksite measurements of anthropometrics and workstation set-up (full models); and (ii) a practical set of predicting variables, only including the self-reported factors and software-recorded computer usage patterns, that are relatively easy to assess (practical models).

Methods: Prediction models were build using data from a field study among 117 office workers who were symptom-free at the time of measurement. Arm-wrist-hand physical exposures were measured for approximately two hours while workers performed their own computer work. Each worker's anthropometry and workstation set-up were measured by an experimenter, computer usage patterns were recorded using software and self-reported factors (including individual factors, job characteristics, computer work behaviours, psychosocial factors, workstation set-up characteristics, and leisure-time activities) were collected by an online questionnaire. We determined the predictive quality of the models in terms of R2 and root mean squared (RMS) values and exposure classification agreement to low-, medium-, and high-exposure categories (in the practical model only).

Results: The full models had R2 values that ranged from 0.16 to 0.80, whereas for the practical models values ranged from 0.05 to 0.43. Interquartile ranges were not that different for the two models, indicating that only for some physical exposures the full models performed better. Relative RMS errors ranged between 5% and 19% for the full models, and between 10% and 19% for the practical model. When the predicted physical exposures were classified into low, medium, and high, classification agreement ranged from 26% to 71%.

Conclusion: The full prediction models, based on self-reported factors, software-recorded computer usage patterns, and additional measurements of anthropometrics and workstation set-up, show a better predictive quality as compared to the practical models based on self-reported factors and recorded computer usage patterns only. However, predictive quality varied largely across different arm-wrist-hand exposure parameters. Future exploration of the relation between predicted physical exposure and symptoms is therefore only recommended for physical exposures that can be reasonably well predicted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-137
Number of pages14
JournalAnnals of work exposures and health
Issue number1
Early online date25 Nov 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


This study was funded in part by the CDC/NIOSH grant R01-0H-08781 (PI: Dennerlein). The authors would like to thank Sachin Raina and Patrik Rynell for their contributions to the data collection, and analysis for this study.

FundersFunder number
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthR01-0H-08781


    • Arm-wrist-hand exposures
    • Computer use
    • Exposure assessment
    • Forearm physical exposures
    • Occupational
    • Prediction model evaluation
    • Prediction models
    • Predictive quality
    • Upper extremity
    • Work-related musculoskeletal symptoms


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