Reasons for not reaching or using web-based self-management applications, and the use and evaluation of Oncokompas among cancer survivors, in the context of a randomised controlled trial

A. van der Hout, C. F. van Uden-Kraan, K. Holtmaat, F. Jansen, B. I. Lissenberg-Witte, G. A.P. Nieuwenhuijzen, J. A. Hardillo, R. J. Baatenburg de Jong, N. L. Tiren-Verbeet, D. W. Sommeijer, K. de Heer, C. G. Schaar, R. J.E. Sedee, K. Bosscha, M. W.M. van den Brekel, J. F. Petersen, M. Westerman, J. Honings, R. P. Takes, I. HoutenbosW. T. van den Broek, R. de Bree, P. Jansen, S. E.J. Eerenstein, C. R. Leemans, J. M. Zijlstra, P. Cuijpers, L. V. van de Poll-Franse, I. M. Verdonck-de Leeuw

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Introduction: The web-based self-management application Oncokompas was developed to support cancer survivors to monitor health-related quality of life and symptoms (Measure) and to provide tailored information (Learn) and supportive care options (Act). In a previously reported randomised controlled trial (RCT), 68% of 655 recruited survivors were eligible, and of those 45% participated in the RCT. Among participants of the RCT that were randomised to the intervention group, 52% used Oncokompas as intended. The aim of this study was to explore reasons for not participating in the RCT, and reasons for not using Oncokompas among non-users, and the use and evaluation of Oncokompas among users. Methods: Reasons for not participating were assessed with a study-specific questionnaire among 243 survivors who declined participation. Usage was investigated among 320 participants randomised to the intervention group of the RCT via system data and a study-specific questionnaire that was assessed during the 1 week follow-up (T1) assessment. Results: Main reasons for not participating were not interested in participation in scientific research (40%) and not interested in scientific research and Oncokompas (28%). Main reasons for not being interested in Oncokompas were wanting to leave the period of being ill behind (29%), no symptom burden (23%), or lacking internet skills (18%). Out of the 320 participants in the intervention group 167 (52%) used Oncokompas as intended. Among 72 non-users, main reasons for not using Oncokompas were no symptom burden (32%) or lack of time (26%). Among 248 survivors that activated their account, satisfaction and user-friendliness were rated with a 7 (scale 0–10). Within 3 (IQR 1–4) sessions, users selected 32 (IQR 6–37) topics. Main reasons for not using healthcare options in Act were that the information in Learn was already sufficient (44%) or no supportive care needs (32%). Discussion: Main reasons for not reaching or using Oncokompas were no symptom burden, no supportive care needs, or lack of time. Users selected many cancer-generic and tumour-specific topics to address, indicating added value of the wide range of available topics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100429
JournalInternet Interventions
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


This work was supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) (grant number VU 2014-7202 ). IMV-dL has received grants from the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding), Pink Ribbon, the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), the SAG Foundation–Zilveren Kruis Health Care Assurance Company, Danone Ecofund–Nutricia, Red-kite (distributor of eHealth tools), and Bristol-Myers Squibb, during the conduct of this study. CRL has received personal fees for global advisory board participation from MSD, during the conduct of this study. All other authors have no conflicts of interest.

FundersFunder number
Danone Ecofund–Nutricia, Red-kite
Dutch Cancer Society
Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development
SAG Foundation
Zilveren Kruis Health Care Assurance Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb
KWF KankerbestrijdingVU 2014-7202


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