Rechtsherstel als moreel design: De Uitkeringsregeling NS voor vervolgingsslachtoffers

Translated title of the contribution: Reparation as Moral Design: The Benefit Scheme for Victims of Persecution of the Dutch Railways

Research output: Book / ReportBookAcademic

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Salo Muller, a Dutch-Jewish Holocaust-survivor, was able to convince the Dutch Railways (NS) to provide compensation to Jewish victims of the Nazi persecution who were transported by NS to the Dutch concentration camps and from there to the German border. The Dutch Railways profited financially from these transports. The Germans paid NS bills with money from looted Jewish assets.
The Benefit Scheme is understood to offer an allowance on moral grounds and not a form of compensation. NS is not legally liable, stated Roger van Boxtel, CEO of NS. A moral gesture remains.
But does this specific form of reparation meet the internationally recognized requirements of transitional justice? Is the allowance from NS sufficient to qualify as a successful form of restoration of rights? Or should the voluntary allowance rather be seen as a form of corporate marketing, which does not yet fundamentally change the basic attitude of the company towards its own past?
While answering this question in detail, a comparison is made with the case of the French railways (SNCF) that inspired Salo Muller.
Translated title of the contributionReparation as Moral Design: The Benefit Scheme for Victims of Persecution of the Dutch Railways
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationHilversum
PublisherUitgeverij Verbum
Number of pages61
ISBN (Electronic)9789493028456
Publication statusPublished - 8 Oct 2020

Bibliographical note

'Rechtsherstel als moreel design' has previously been published in Overheid en Aansprakelijkheid 2020/26, p. 49-62, at Wolters Kluwer Publishers. Wolter Kluwer authorized this reissue. In the book-version some minor adjustments were made.


  • transitional justice
  • Holocaust
  • reparation
  • railroads
  • accountability
  • SNCF
  • NS
  • Deportation
  • law
  • Second World War
  • corporate crime

VU Research Profile

  • Governance for Society


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