RegelSpraak: a CNL for Executable Tax Rules Specification

Mariette Lokin, Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, Mischa Corsius, Elian Baars, Gertrude Sangers-Van Capellen

Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paperAcademic


RegelSpraak is a CNL developed at the Dutch Tax Administration (DTA) over the last decade. Keeping up with frequently changing tax rules poses a formidable challenge to the DTA IT department.RegelSpraak is a central asset in ongoing efforts of the DTA to ttune their tax IT systems to automatic execution of tax law. RegelSpraak now is part of the operational process of rule specification and execution.
In this practice-oriented paper, we present the history of RegelSpraak, its properties and the context of its use, emphasizing its double functionality as a language readable by non-technical tax experts but also directly interpretable in a software generating setup.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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