Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine: statement on oral pathology and oral medicine in the European Dental Curriculum

C. Kragelund, J. Reibel, E.S. Hadler-Olsen, J. Hietanen, A.C. Johannessen, B. Kenrad, K. Nylander, M. Puranen, B. Rozell, T. Salo, S. Syrjänen, T.M. Soland, I. van der Waal, J.E. van der Wal, G. Warfvinge

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Background:  For many years, dentists have migrated between the Scandinavian countries without an intentionally harmonized dental education. The free movement of the workforce in the European Union has clarified that a certain degree of standardization or harmonization of the European higher education acts, including the dental education, is required. As a result of the Bologna process, the Association for Dental Education in Europe and the thematic network DentEd have generated guidelines in the document ‘Profile and Competences for the European Dentist’ (PCD). This document is meant to act as the leading source in revisions of dental curricula throughout Europe converging towards a European Dental Curriculum. In order to render the best conditions for future curriculum revisions providing the best quality dentist we feel obliged to analyse and comment the outlines of oral pathology and oral medicine in the PCD.

    Methods:  The representatives agreed upon definitions of oral pathology and oral medicine, and competences in oral pathology and oral medicine that a contemporary European dentist should master. The competences directly related to oral pathology and oral medicine were identified, within the PCD.

    Results:  The subject representatives suggested eighteen additions and two rewordings of the PCD, which all were substantiated by thorough argumentation.

    Perspectives:  Hopefully, this contribution will find support in future revisions of the PCD in order to secure the best quality dental education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)800, e1
    Number of pages2
    JournalJournal of Oral Pathology & Medicine
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - 2010

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