Scattering Amplitudes Interpolating Between Instant Form and Front Form of Relativistic Dynamics

C.R. Ji, B.L.G. Bakker, Z. Li

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Among the three forms of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics proposed by Dirac in 1949, the front form has the largest number of kinematic generators. This distinction provides useful consequences in the analysis of physical observables in hadron physics. Using the method of interpolation between the instant form and the front form, we introduce the interpolating scattering amplitude that links the corresponding time-ordered amplitudes between the two forms of dynamics and provide the physical meaning of the kinematic transformations as they allow the invariance of each individual time-ordered amplitude for an arbitrary interpolation angle. We discuss the rationale for using front form dynamics, nowadays known as light-front dynamics (LFD), and present a few explicit examples of hadron phenomenology that LFD uniquely can offer from first-principles quantum chromodynamics. In particular, model-independent constraints are provided for the analyses of deuteron form factors and the N Δ transition form factors at large momentum transfer squared Q
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)425-434
JournalFew-Body Systems
Issue number5-7
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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