title = "Search for the Rare Decays Bs0 →e+e- And B0 →e+e",
abstract = "A search for the decays Bs0→e+e- and B0→e+e- is performed using data collected with the LHCb experiment in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1, 2, and 2 fb-1, respectively. No signal is observed. Assuming no contribution from B0→e+e- decays, an upper limit on the branching fraction B(Bs0→e+e-)<9.4(11.2)×10-9 is obtained at 90(95)% confidence level. If no Bs0→e+e- contribution is assumed, a limit of B(B0→e+e-)<2.5(3.0)×10-9 is determined at 90(95)% confidence level. These upper limits are more than one order of magnitude lower than the previous values.",
author = "R. Aaij and Beteta, {C. Abell{\'a}n} and T. Ackernley and B. Adeva and M. Adinolfi and H. Afsharnia and Aidala, {C. A.} and S. Aiola and Z. Ajaltouni and S. Akar and P. Albicocco and J. Albrecht and F. Alessio and M. Alexander and Albero, {A. Alfonso} and G. Alkhazov and Cartelle, {P. Alvarez} and Alves, {A. A.} and S. Amato and Y. Amhis and L. An and L. Anderlini and G. Andreassi and M. Andreotti and F. Archilli and A. Artamonov and M. Artuso and K. Arzymatov and E. Aslanides and M. Atzeni and B. Audurier and S. Bachmann and Back, {J. J.} and S. Baker and V. Balagura and W. Baldini and A. Baranov and Barlow, {R. J.} and S. Barsuk and W. Barter and M. Bartolini and F. Baryshnikov and Basels, {J. M.} and G. Bassi and V. Batozskaya and B. Batsukh and A. Battig and A. Bay and M. Becker and F. Bedeschi and I. Bediaga and A. Beiter and V. Belavin and S. Belin and V. Bellee and K. Belous and I. Belyaev and G. Bencivenni and E. Ben-Haim and S. Benson and A. Berezhnoy and R. Bernet and D. Berninghoff and Bernstein, {H. C.} and C. Bertella and E. Bertholet and A. Bertolin and C. Betancourt and F. Betti and Bettler, {M. O.} and Ia Bezshyiko and S. Bhasin and J. Bhom and Bieker, {M. S.} and S. Bifani and P. Billoir and A. Bizzeti and M. Bj{\o}rn and Blago, {M. P.} and T. Blake and F. Blanc and S. Blusk and D. Bobulska and V. Bocci and Garcia, {O. Boente} and T. Boettcher and A. Boldyrev and A. Bondar and N. Bondar and S. Borghi and M. Borisyak and M. Borsato and Borsuk, {J. T.} and Bowcock, {T. J.V.} and C. Bozzi and Bradley, {M. J.} and S. Braun and Rodriguez, {A. Brea} and M. Brodski and J. Brodzicka and Gonzalo, {A. Brossa} and D. Brundu and E. Buchanan and A. B{\"u}chler-Germann and A. Buonaura and C. Burr and A. Bursche and A. Butkevich and Butter, {J. S.} and J. Buytaert and W. Byczynski and S. Cadeddu and H. Cai and R. Calabrese and Diaz, {L. Calero} and S. Cali and R. Calladine and M. Calvi and Gomez, {M. Calvo} and Magalhaes, {P. Camargo} and A. Camboni and P. Campana and Perez, {D. H.Campora} and Quezada, {A. F.Campoverde} and L. Capriotti and A. Carbone and G. Carboni and R. Cardinale and A. Cardini and I. Carli and P. Carniti and Akiba, {K. Carvalho} and Vidal, {A. Casais} and G. Casse and M. Cattaneo and G. Cavallero and S. Celani and R. Cenci and J. Cerasoli and Chapman, {M. G.} and M. Charles and Ph Charpentier and G. Chatzikonstantinidis and M. Chefdeville and V. Chekalina and C. Chen and S. Chen and A. Chernov and Chitic, {S. G.} and V. Chobanova and S. Cholak and M. Chrzaszcz and A. Chubykin and V. Chulikov and P. Ciambrone and Cicala, {M. F.} and Vidal, {X. Cid} and G. Ciezarek and F. Cindolo and Clarke, {P. E.L.} and M. Clemencic and Cliff, {H. V.} and J. Closier and Cobbledick, {J. L.} and V. Coco and Coelho, {J. A.B.} and J. Cogan and E. Cogneras and L. Cojocariu and P. Collins and T. Colombo and A. Contu and N. Cooke and G. Coombs and S. Coquereau and G. Corti and Sobral, {C. M.Costa} and B. Couturier and Craik, {D. C.} and J. Crkovsk{\'a} and A. Crocombe and Torres, {M. Cruz} and R. Currie and {da Silva}, {C. L.} and E. Dall'Occo and J. Dalseno and C. D'Ambrosio and A. Danilina and P. D'Argent and A. Davis and {de Aguiar Francisco}, O. and {de Bruyn}, K. and {de Capua}, S. and {de Cian}, M. and {de Miranda}, {J. M.} and {de Paula}, L. and {de Serio}, M. and {de Simone}, P. and {de Vries}, {J. A.} and Dean, {C. T.} and W. Dean and D. Decamp and {Del Buono}, L. and B. Delaney and Dembinski, {H. P.} and A. Dendek and V. Denysenko and D. Derkach and O. Deschamps and F. Desse and F. Dettori and B. Dey and {Di Canto}, A. and {Di Nezza}, P. and S. Didenko and H. Dijkstra and V. Dobishuk and F. Dordei and M. Dorigo and {dos Reis}, {A. C.} and L. Douglas and A. Dovbnya and K. Dreimanis and Dudek, {M. W.} and L. Dufour and P. Durante and Durham, {J. M.} and D. Dutta and M. Dziewiecki and A. Dziurda and A. Dzyuba and S. Easo and U. Egede and V. Egorychev and S. Eidelman and S. Eisenhardt and S. Ek-In and L. Eklund and S. Ely and A. Ene and E. Epple and S. Escher and J. Eschle and S. Esen and T. Evans and A. Falabella and J. Fan and Y. Fan and N. Farley and S. Farry and D. Fazzini and P. Fedin and M. F{\'e}o and Declara, {P. Fernandez} and Prieto, {A. Fernandez} and F. Ferrari and Lopes, {L. Ferreira} and Rodrigues, {F. Ferreira} and Sole, {S. Ferreres} and M. Ferrillo and M. Ferro-Luzzi and S. Filippov and Fini, {R. A.} and M. Fiorini and M. Firlej and Fischer, {K. M.} and C. Fitzpatrick and T. Fiutowski and F. Fleuret and M. Fontana and F. Fontanelli and R. Forty and Lima, {V. Franco} and Sevilla, {M. Franco} and M. Frank and C. Frei and Friday, {D. A.} and J. Fu and Q. Fuehring and W. Funk and E. Gabriel and Torreira, {A. Gallas} and D. Galli and S. Gallorini and S. Gambetta and Y. Gan and M. Gandelman and P. Gandini and Y. Gao and Martin, {L. M.Garcia} and Pardi{\~n}as, {J. Garc{\'i}a} and Plana, {B. Garcia} and Rosales, {F. A.Garcia} and L. Garrido and D. Gascon and C. Gaspar and D. Gerick and E. Gersabeck and M. Gersabeck and T. Gershon and D. Gerstel and Ph Ghez and V. Gibson and A. Giovent{\`u} and Gironell, {P. Gironella} and L. Giubega and C. Giugliano and K. Gizdov and Gligorov, {V. V.} and C. G{\"o}bel and E. Golobardes and D. Golubkov and A. Golutvin and A. Gomes and P. Gorbounov and Gorelov, {I. V.} and C. Gotti and E. Govorkova and Grabowski, {J. P.} and Diaz, {R. Graciani} and T. Grammatico and Cardoso, {L. A.Granado} and E. Graug{\'e}s and E. Graverini and G. Graziani and A. Grecu and R. Greim and P. Griffith and L. Grillo and L. Gruber and Cazon, {B. R.Gruberg} and C. Gu and E. Gushchin and A. Guth and Yu Guz and T. Gys and G{\"u}nther, {P. A.} and T. Hadavizadeh and G. Haefeli and C. Haen and Haines, {S. C.} and Hamilton, {P. M.} and Q. Han and X. Han and Hancock, {T. H.} and S. Hansmann-Menzemer and N. Harnew and T. Harrison and R. Hart and C. Hasse and M. Hatch and J. He and M. Hecker and K. Heijhoff and K. Heinicke and Hennequin, {A. M.} and K. Hennessy and L. Henry and J. Heuel and A. Hicheur and D. Hill and M. Hilton and Hopchev, {P. H.} and J. Hu and J. Hu and W. Hu and W. Huang and W. Hulsbergen and T. Humair and Hunter, {R. J.} and M. Hushchyn and D. Hutchcroft and D. Hynds and P. Ibis and M. Idzik and P. Ilten and A. Inglessi and K. Ivshin and R. Jacobsson and S. Jakobsen and E. Jans and Jashal, {B. K.} and A. Jawahery and V. Jevtic and F. Jiang and M. John and D. Johnson and Jones, {C. R.} and B. Jost and N. Jurik and S. Kandybei and M. Karacson and Kariuki, {J. M.} and N. Kazeev and M. Kecke and F. Keizer and M. Kelsey and M. Kenzie and T. Ketel and B. Khanji and A. Kharisova and Kim, {K. E.} and T. Kirn and Kirsebom, {V. S.} and S. Klaver and K. Klimaszewski and S. Koliiev and A. Kondybayeva and A. Konoplyannikov and P. Kopciewicz and R. Kopecna and P. Koppenburg and M. Korolev and I. Kostiuk and O. Kot and S. Kotriakhova and L. Kravchuk and Krawczyk, {R. D.} and M. Kreps and F. Kress and S. Kretzschmar and P. Krokovny and W. Krupa and W. Krzemien and W. Kucewicz and M. Kucharczyk and V. Kudryavtsev and Kuindersma, {H. S.} and Kunde, {G. J.} and T. Kvaratskheliya and D. Lacarrere and G. Lafferty and A. Lai and D. Lancierini and Lane, {J. J.} and G. Lanfranchi and C. Langenbruch and O. Lantwin and T. Latham and F. Lazzari and {Le Gac}, R. and Lee, {S. H.} and R. Lef{\`e}vre and A. Leflat and O. Leroy and T. Lesiak and B. Leverington and H. Li and L. Li and X. Li and Y. Li and Z. Li and X. Liang and T. Lin and R. Lindner and V. Lisovskyi and G. Liu and X. Liu and D. Loh and A. Loi and Castro, {J. Lomba} and I. Longstaff and Lopes, {J. H.} and G. Loustau and Lovell, {G. H.} and Y. Lu and D. Lucchesi and Martinez, {M. Lucio} and Y. Luo and A. Lupato and E. Luppi and O. Lupton and A. Lusiani and X. Lyu and S. Maccolini and F. Machefert and F. Maciuc and V. Macko and P. Mackowiak and S. Maddrell-Mander and Mohan, {L. R.Madhan} and O. Maev and A. Maevskiy and D. Maisuzenko and Majewski, {M. W.} and S. Malde and B. Malecki and A. Malinin and T. Maltsev and H. Malygina and G. Manca and G. Mancinelli and Escalero, {R. Manera} and D. Manuzzi and D. Marangotto and J. Maratas and Marchand, {J. F.} and U. Marconi and S. Mariani and Benito, {C. Marin} and M. Marinangeli and P. Marino and J. Marks and Marshall, {P. J.} and G. Martellotti and L. Martinazzoli and M. Martinelli and Santos, {D. Martinez} and Vidal, {F. Martinez} and A. Massafferri and M. Materok and R. Matev and A. Mathad and Z. Mathe and V. Matiunin and C. Matteuzzi and Mattioli, {K. R.} and A. Mauri and E. Maurice and M. McCann and L. McConnell and A. McNab and R. McNulty and Mead, {J. V.} and B. Meadows and C. Meaux and G. Meier and N. Meinert and D. Melnychuk and S. Meloni and M. Merk and A. Merli and M. Mikhasenko and Milanes, {D. A.} and E. Millard and Minard, {M. N.} and O. Mineev and L. Minzoni and Mitchell, {S. E.} and B. Mitreska and Mitzel, {D. S.} and A. M{\"o}dden and A. Mogini and Moise, {R. D.} and T. Momb{\"a}cher and Monroy, {I. A.} and S. Monteil and M. Morandin and G. Morello and Morello, {M. J.} and J. Moron and Morris, {A. B.} and Morris, {A. G.} and R. Mountain and H. Mu and F. Muheim and M. Mukherjee and M. Mulder and D. M{\"u}ller and K. M{\"u}ller and Murphy, {C. H.} and D. Murray and P. Muzzetto and P. Naik and T. Nakada and R. Nandakumar and T. Nanut and I. Nasteva and M. Needham and N. Neri and S. Neubert and N. Neufeld and R. Newcombe and Nguyen, {T. D.} and C. Nguyen-Mau and Niel, {E. M.} and S. Nieswand and N. Nikitin and Nolte, {N. S.} and C. Nunez and A. Oblakowska-Mucha and V. Obraztsov and S. Ogilvy and O'Hanlon, {D. P.} and R. Oldeman and Onderwater, {C. J.G.} and Osborn, {J. D.} and A. Ossowska and Goicochea, {J. M.Otalora} and T. Ovsiannikova and P. Owen and A. Oyanguren and Pais, {P. R.} and T. Pajero and A. Palano and M. Palutan and G. Panshin and A. Papanestis and M. Pappagallo and Pappalardo, {L. L.} and C. Pappenheimer and W. Parker and C. Parkes and G. Passaleva and A. Pastore and M. Patel and C. Patrignani and A. Pearce and A. Pellegrino and Altarelli, {M. Pepe} and S. Perazzini and D. Pereima and P. Perret and L. Pescatore and K. Petridis and A. Petrolini and A. Petrov and S. Petrucci and M. Petruzzo and B. Pietrzyk and G. Pietrzyk and M. Pili and D. Pinci and J. Pinzino and F. Pisani and A. Piucci and V. Placinta and S. Playfer and J. Plews and Casasus, {M. Plo} and F. Polci and Lener, {M. Poli} and M. Poliakova and A. Poluektov and N. Polukhina and I. Polyakov and E. Polycarpo and Pomery, {G. J.} and S. Ponce and A. Popov and D. Popov and S. Poslavskii and K. Prasanth and L. Promberger and C. Prouve and V. Pugatch and Navarro, {A. Puig} and H. Pullen and G. Punzi and W. Qian and J. Qin and R. Quagliani and B. Quintana and Raab, {N. V.} and Trejo, {R. I.Rabadan} and B. Rachwal and Rademacker, {J. H.} and M. Rama and Pernas, {M. Ramos} and Rangel, {M. S.} and F. Ratnikov and G. Raven and M. Reboud and F. Redi and F. Reiss and Alepuz, {C. Remon} and Z. Ren and V. Renaudin and S. Ricciardi and Richards, {D. S.} and S. Richards and K. Rinnert and P. Robbe and A. Robert and Rodrigues, {A. B.} and E. Rodrigues and Lopez, {J. A.Rodriguez} and M. Roehrken and A. Rollings and V. Romanovskiy and Lamas, {M. Romero} and Vidal, {A. Romero} and Roth, {J. D.} and M. Rotondo and Rudolph, {M. S.} and T. Ruf and Vidal, {J. Ruiz} and A. Ryzhikov and J. Ryzka and Silva, {J. J.Saborido} and N. Sagidova and N. Sahoo and B. Saitta and Gras, {C. Sanchez} and Mayordomo, {C. Sanchez} and R. Santacesaria and Rios, {C. Santamarina} and M. Santimaria and E. Santovetti and G. Sarpis and M. Sarpis and A. Sarti and C. Satriano and A. Satta and M. Saur and D. Savrina and Smead, {L. G.Scantlebury} and S. Schael and M. Schellenberg and M. Schiller and H. Schindler and M. Schmelling and T. Schmelzer and B. Schmidt and O. Schneider and A. Schopper and Schreiner, {H. F.} and M. Schubiger and S. Schulte and Schune, {M. H.} and R. Schwemmer and B. Sciascia and A. Sciubba and S. Sellam and A. Semennikov and A. Sergi and N. Serra and J. Serrano and L. Sestini and A. Seuthe and P. Seyfert and Shangase, {D. M.} and M. Shapkin and L. Shchutska and T. Shears and L. Shekhtman and V. Shevchenko and E. Shmanin and Shupperd, {J. D.} and Siddi, {B. G.} and Coutinho, {R. Silva} and {de Oliveira}, {L. Silva} and G. Simi and S. Simone and I. Skiba and N. Skidmore and T. Skwarnicki and Slater, {M. W.} and Smeaton, {J. G.} and A. Smetkina and E. Smith and Smith, {I. T.} and M. Smith and A. Snoch and M. Soares and Lavra, {L. Soares} and Sokoloff, {M. D.} and Soler, {F. J.P.} and {de Paula}, {B. Souza} and B. Spaan and Norella, {E. Spadaro} and P. Spradlin and F. Stagni and M. Stahl and S. Stahl and P. Stefko and O. Steinkamp and S. Stemmle and O. Stenyakin and M. Stepanova and H. Stevens and S. Stone and S. Stracka and Stramaglia, {M. E.} and M. Straticiuc and S. Strokov and J. Sun and L. Sun and Y. Sun and P. Svihra and K. Swientek and A. Szabelski and T. Szumlak and M. Szymanski and S. Taneja and Z. Tang and T. Tekampe and F. Teubert and E. Thomas and Thomson, {K. A.} and Tilley, {M. J.} and V. Tisserand and S. T'Jampens and M. Tobin and S. Tolk and L. Tomassetti and Machado, {D. Torres} and Tou, {D. Y.} and E. Tournefier and M. Traill and Tran, {M. T.} and E. Trifonova and C. Trippl and A. Tsaregorodtsev and G. Tuci and A. Tully and N. Tuning and A. Ukleja and A. Usachov and A. Ustyuzhanin and U. Uwer and A. Vagner and V. Vagnoni and A. Valassi and G. Valenti and {van Beuzekom}, M. and {van Hecke}, H. and {van Herwijnen}, E. and {van Hulse}, {C. B.} and {van Veghel}, M. and Gomez, {R. Vazquez} and Regueiro, {P. Vazquez} and Sierra, {C. V{\'a}zquez} and S. Vecchi and Velthuis, {J. J.} and M. Veltri and A. Venkateswaran and M. Veronesi and M. Vesterinen and Barbosa, {J. V.Viana} and D. Vieira and Diaz, {M. Vieites} and H. Viemann and X. Vilasis-Cardona and G. Vitali and A. Vitkovskiy and A. Vollhardt and Bruch, {D. Vom} and A. Vorobyev and V. Vorobyev and N. Voropaev and R. Waldi and J. Walsh and J. Wang and J. Wang and J. Wang and M. Wang and Y. Wang and Z. Wang and Ward, {D. R.} and Wark, {H. M.} and Watson, {N. K.} and D. Websdale and A. Weiden and C. Weisser and Westhenry, {B. D.C.} and White, {D. J.} and M. Whitehead and D. Wiedner and G. Wilkinson and M. Wilkinson and I. Williams and M. Williams and Williams, {M. R.J.} and T. Williams and Wilson, {F. F.} and W. Wislicki and M. Witek and L. Witola and G. Wormser and Wotton, {S. A.} and H. Wu and K. Wyllie and Z. Xiang and D. Xiao and Y. Xie and H. Xing and A. Xu and J. Xu and L. Xu and M. Xu and Q. Xu and Z. Xu and Z. Yang and Z. Yang and Y. Yao and Yeomans, {L. E.} and H. Yin and J. Yu and X. Yuan and O. Yushchenko and Zarebski, {K. A.} and M. Zavertyaev and M. Zdybal and M. Zeng and D. Zhang and L. Zhang and S. Zhang and Zhang, {W. C.} and Y. Zhang and A. Zhelezov and Y. Zheng and X. Zhou and Y. Zhou and X. Zhu and V. Zhukov and Zonneveld, {J. B.} and S. Zucchelli and {LHCb Collaboration}",
note = "Funding Information: We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC. We thank the technical and administrative staff at the LHCb institutes. We acknowledge support from CERN and from the national agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, and FINEP (Brazil); MOST and NSFC (China); CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and MPG (Germany); INFN (Italy); NWO (Netherlands); MNiSW and NCN (Poland); MEN/IFA (Romania); MSHE (Russia); MinECo (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE NP and NSF (USA). We acknowledge the computing resources that are provided by CERN, IN2P3 (France), KIT and DESY (Germany), INFN (Italy), SURF (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), GridPP (United Kingdom), RRCKI and Yandex LLC (Russia), CSCS (Switzerland), IFIN-HH (Romania), CBPF (Brazil), PL-GRID (Poland) and OSC (USA). We are indebted to the communities behind the multiple open-source software packages on which we depend. Individual groups or members have received support from AvH Foundation (Germany); EPLANET, Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions and ERC (European Union); ANR, Labex P2IO and OCEVU, and R?gion Auvergne-Rh?ne-Alpes (France); Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of CAS, CAS PIFI, and the Thousand Talents Program (China); RFBR, RSF, and Yandex LLC (Russia); GVA, XuntaGal, and GENCAT (Spain); the Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust (United Kingdom). Funding Information: We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC. We thank the technical and administrative staff at the LHCb institutes. We acknowledge support from CERN and from the national agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ, and FINEP (Brazil); MOST and NSFC (China); CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and MPG (Germany); INFN (Italy); NWO (Netherlands); MNiSW and NCN (Poland); MEN/IFA (Romania); MSHE (Russia); MinECo (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE NP and NSF (USA). We acknowledge the computing resources that are provided by CERN, IN2P3 (France), KIT and DESY (Germany), INFN (Italy), SURF (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), GridPP (United Kingdom), RRCKI and Yandex LLC (Russia), CSCS (Switzerland), IFIN-HH (Romania), CBPF (Brazil), PL-GRID (Poland) and OSC (USA). We are indebted to the communities behind the multiple open-source software packages on which we depend. Individual groups or members have received support from AvH Foundation (Germany); EPLANET, Marie Sk{\l}odowska-Curie Actions and ERC (European Union); ANR, Labex P2IO and OCEVU, and R{\'e}gion Auvergne-Rh{\^o}ne-Alpes (France); Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of CAS, CAS PIFI, and the Thousand Talents Program (China); RFBR, RSF, and Yandex LLC (Russia); GVA, XuntaGal, and GENCAT (Spain); the Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust (United Kingdom). Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2020 CERN. {\textcopyright} 2020 CERN, for the LHCb Collaboration. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the {"}https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/{"} Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP ",
year = "2020",
month = may,
day = "29",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.211802",
language = "English",
volume = "124",
pages = "1--11",
journal = "Physical review letters",
issn = "0031-9007",
publisher = "American Physical Society",
number = "21",