Sickly slaves, soldiers and sailors. Contextualising the Cape's 18th–19th century Green Point burials through isotope investigation

L. Mbeki, L.M. Kootker, H. Kars, G.R. Davies

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Strontium isotope data of multiple dental enamel samples, and carbon and nitrogen isotope data of dentine and bone collagen samples from 27 individuals excavated from the mid-18th to mid-19th century Victoria & Albert Marina Residence paupers burial ground in the vicinity of Green Point, Cape Town, provide information about the Indian Ocean slave trade and the experience of the economic underclass at the post-creolisation colonial Cape. Based on childhood diets, and/or the presence of dental modifications, and/or non-local 87Sr/86Sr values, 17 individuals (63%) were identified as non-local. Relatively high δ15Ncancellous values (mean 14‰) compared to individuals from contemporaneous burials (mean 12‰) suggest increased exploitation of marine resources, the consumption of salted meat and fish and/or peri-mortem nutritional and/or water stress in the economic underclass population. The latter scenario lends support to the interpretation that the burial site is linked to the Old Somerset hospital (1818–1845) and perhaps the Dutch East India Company (VOC) hospital (1697–1786) that catered to the highly diverse and mobile lower rungs of VOC society, comprising slaves, soldiers and sailors. The bioarchaeological data are also consistent with an alternate but not mutually exclusive hypothesis; that the population turned to a more affordable protein source after emancipation. These data demonstrate that a bioarchaeological approach to burial sites can illuminate social nuances and in this case make the precarious existence of the Cape economic underclass more tangible.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)480-490
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Early online date30 Dec 2016
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017


The authors would like to thank emeritus prof. Alan Morris, University of Cape Town, for access to the V&A Marina Residence individuals. Heritage Western Cape is thanked for granting permission for sampling. South African Heritage Resources Agency is thanked for providing the sample export permit. We are indebted to Richard van Logtestijn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, for the prompt production of C and N isotope data, and Dr. Jason Laffoon, Leiden University/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, for his useful advice and constructive comments. LM was supported financially by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT ref. 19671/02), the Van Ewijck Foundation and the National Research Foundation (NRF South Africa, grant no. 74691). GRD is funded by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Synergy grant (agreement no. 319209). This paper greatly benefited from the constructive comments and suggestions made by two anonymous reviewers.

FundersFunder number
Van Ewijck Foundation
Seventh Framework Programme
European Research Council319209
National Research Foundation
National Research Foundation of Korea74691
Seventh Framework Programme
University of Cape Town
Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust19671/02


    • (Forced) migration
    • Cape Town
    • Carbon and nitrogen isotopes
    • Indian Ocean slavery
    • Paleodietary assessment
    • Strontium isotopes


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