Simple and Fast High-Yield Synthesis of Silver Nanowires

Matteo Parente, Max Van Helvert, Ruben F. Hamans, Ruth Verbroekken, Rochan Sinha, Anja Bieberle-Hütter, Andrea Baldi*

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Silver nanowires (AgNWs) combine high electrical conductivity with low light extinction in the visible and are used in a wide range of applications, from transparent electrodes, to temperature and pressure sensors. The most common strategy for the production of AgNWs is the polyol synthesis, which always leads to the formation of silver nanoparticles as byproducts. These nanoparticles degrade the performance of AgNWs' based devices and have to be eliminated by several purification steps. Here, we report a simple and fast synthesis of AgNWs with minimal formation of byproducts, as confirmed by the spectral purity of the final solution. Our synthetic strategy relies on the use of freshly prepared AgCl and on the minimization of gas evolution inside the reaction vessel. The observed synthetic improvements can be of general validity for the polyol synthesis of metallic nanostructures of different shapes and compositions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5759-5764
Number of pages6
JournalNano Letters
Issue number8
Early online date6 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - 12 Aug 2020


This work was supported by the Dutch Research Council, NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek). We gratefully acknowledge Rifat Kamarudheen, Dr. Gayatri Kumari, and Prof. Dr. Erik Garnett for insightful discussions. We gratefully acknowledge Bram Lamers for recording and editing the supplementary video. A.B. and R.F.H. acknowledge financial support by the NWO Vidi award 680-47-550. R.S. and A.B.-H. acknowledge financial support from NWO (FOM Program No. 147, “CO 2 neutral fuels”).

FundersFunder number
Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie147
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek680-47-550


    • polyol synthesis
    • silver nanowires
    • nitric acid
    • metal halide
    • byproducts
    • optical spectroscopy


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