Simulating ice segregation and thaw consolidation in permafrost environments with the CryoGrid community model

Juditha Aga*, Julia Boike, Moritz Langer, Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen, Sebastian Westermann

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The ground ice content in cold environments influences the permafrost thermal regime and the thaw trajectories in a warming climate, especially for soils containing excess ice. Despite their importance, the amount and distribution of ground ice are often unknown due to lacking field observations. Hence, modeling the thawing of ice-rich permafrost soils and associated thermokarst is challenging as ground ice content has to be prescribed in the model setup. In this study, we present a model scheme, capable of simulating segregated ice formation during a model spinup together with associated ground heave. It provides the option to add a constant sedimentation rate throughout the simulation. Besides ice segregation, it can represent thaw consolidation processes and ground subsidence under a warming climate. The computation is based on soil mechanical processes, soil hydrology by the Richards equation and soil freezing characteristics. The code is implemented in the CryoGrid community model (version 1.0), a modular land surface model for simulations of the ground thermal regime. The simulation of ice segregation and thaw consolidation with the new model scheme allows us to analyze the evolution of ground ice content in both space and time. To do so, we use climate data from two contrasting permafrost sites to run the simulations. Several influencing factors are identified, which control the formation and thaw of segregated ice. (i) Model results show that high temperature gradients in the soil as well as moist conditions support the formation of segregated ice. (ii) We find that ice segregation increases in fine-grained soils and that especially organic-rich sediments enhance the process. (iii) Applying external loads suppresses ice segregation and speeds up thaw consolidation. (iv) Sedimentation leads to a rise of the ground surface and the formation of an ice-enriched layer whose thickness increases with sedimentation time. We conclude that the new model scheme is a step forward to improve the description of ground ice distributions in permafrost models and can contribute towards the understanding of ice segregation and thaw consolidation in permafrost environments under changing climatic conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4179-4206
Number of pages28
Issue number10
Early online date5 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research has been supported by Horizon 2020 (Nunataryuk – Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation, grant no. 773421), the Research Council of Norway (PCCH-Arctic, grant no. 320769) and the European Space Agency (CCI+ Permafrost, grant no. 4000123681/18/I-NB).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved.


This research has been supported by Horizon 2020 (Nunataryuk – Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation, grant no. 773421), the Research Council of Norway (PCCH-Arctic, grant no. 320769) and the European Space Agency (CCI+ Permafrost, grant no. 4000123681/18/I-NB).

FundersFunder number
European Space Agency
Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme773421
Cambridge Conservation Initiative4000123681/18/I-NB
Norges forskningsråd320769


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