Social Support among European Suicide Attempters

U. Bille Brahe, H. Egebo, P. Crepet, A.J.F.M. Kerkhof

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In order to measure social support among suicide attempters, an instrument was especially designed to be included in the follow-up interview study being part of the WHO/Euro Multicentre Study on Parasuicide which is carried out in cooperation with EC Concerted Action on Attempted Suicide. In this paper, which is to be the first in a series, the theories behind the design and the methodology are discussed, and some general results presented. Judged by the level of the need for support, there are some differences between the 10 European areas under study, but judged by the individual's perception of to what degree his needs are met, somewhat to our surprise the majority of the suicide attempters in the various areas under study agree in feeling that their needs for support are met to a great extent.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-231
Number of pages17
JournalArchives of Suicide Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1999


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