Stained Glasses and Coloured Lenses: The Pussy Riot Case as a Critical Issue for Multidisciplinary Scholarly Investigations

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The Pussy Riot performance and the ensuing case posed a challenge not only to power structures in Russia, but also to scholars studying post-traumatic post-Soviet Russia. The case exposed the complex of ideology, image- and myth-forming on all societal levels, not least regarding the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and church-state relations. This essay proposes a kaleidoscopic approach in order to ask how to get to the real persons beyond the images. At the same time it discusses epistemological limits of scholarly engagement with the 'other' by scrutinising the question of objectivity and normativity in the humanities and the deficit of approaches like the insider/outsider dichotomy and the linguistic and narrative turns. Given the heterogeneity of present-day Orthodoxy, there is no identifiable Orthodox 'other' or 'insider'; and this leads to the question how to define 'Orthodoxy' itself. The essay thus identifies a paradox which is yet to be solved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)100-120
JournalReligion and Gender
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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