Strategizing and the initiation of interorganizational collaboration through prospective resourcing

F. Deken, Hans Berends, Gerda Gemser, Kristina Lauche

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In this paper, we explain how managers establish resource complementarity during their strategizing efforts for interorganizational collaboration. Based on a longitudinal field study at an automotive company, we show that resource complementarity is not given but jointly constructed in interactions with multiple potential partners through recursive cycles of what we refer to as 'prospective resourcing'. Prospective resourcing mediates the interplay of strategizing and collaboration, thereby reversing the prevailing logic that strategy precedes and determines collaboration. Our findings offer insight into resourcing as a mechanism for developing strategic initiatives and shows how external actors may influence strategizing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1920–1950
Number of pages31
JournalAcademy of Management Journal
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018

Bibliographical note

Published online 24 October 2018


We thank a large number of AutoCo employees and their (potential) partners for participating in this research. We are grateful for the helpful and challenging comments on earlier versions of this paper by Elco van Burg, Paul Carlile, Jochem Hummel, Dennis van Kampen, Elko Klijn, Natalja Laurey, Markus Perkmann, Davide Ravasi, Mark de Rond, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl, Daniela Patru, Anastasia Sergeeva, Jörg Sydow, Philipp Tuertscher, Felix Werle, and participants from the KINcubator and the 2016 Gro-ningen Collaboration for Innovation Conference. We thank Scott Sonenshein and three anonymous reviewers for their support and extremely insightful guidance throughout the review process. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the Agentschap NL for providing the financial support for this research (Grant IOP-IPCR 0909).

FundersFunder number
Agentschap NLIOP-IPCR 0909


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