Structures, actors, and interactions in the analysis of natural resource conflicts

Ton Salman, Marjo de Theije, Irene Vélez-Torres

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


We propose a research approach to natural resource conflicts that includes different tempos of the developments that lead to a conflict becoming manifest. This approach can help to distinguish dimensions of the conflict and to understand the logic behind and reasons for different vocabularies currently in vogue to address these dimensions. It thus clarifies the different assertions and potentials of existing theoretical and conceptual approaches. After presenting our model, we analyze three conflict cases, in Sri Lanka/India, Suriname, and Colombia. The cases show the history and self-identification that explain indignation and distrust, as well as attitudes of taking for granted relations with other actors, namely the state and other contenders for the resources, including large-scale companies, illegal armed groups, and drug traffickers. In our text, we use “tempos” to refer to three processes that bring about three dimensions we believe to constitute conflicts over natural resources. The distinction can help to more accurately unpack the why’s and how’s of conflict development.

Original languageEnglish
Article number30
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalEcology and Society
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018


This article is an outcome of the GOMIAM (Gold Mining in the Amazon) research project, financed by the Dutch National Research Funding Organization NWO, under number W 07.68.301.00, in the framework of the CoCooN (Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources in Developing Countries) programme.

FundersFunder number
Dutch National Research Funding Organization NWO
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk OnderzoekW 07.68.301.00


    • Colombia
    • Conflict analysis
    • Multitemporal model
    • Small-scale fishery
    • Small-scale gold mining
    • Sri Lanka
    • Suriname


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    • Ouro Surpreende A Gente

      Translated title of the contribution: Gold Surprises UsMorim, J. (Other) & de Theije, M. (Other), 1 Nov 2022

      Research output: Web publication or Non-textual formDigital or Visual ProductsAcademic

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