Subjective alveolar nerve function after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy or distraction osteogenesis of mandible

E.M. Baas, R.B.G. Horsthuis, J. de Lange

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Purpose: The present retrospective cohort study compared the subjective inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) function after distraction osteogenesis (DOG) and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) in mandibular advancement surgery.

Materials and Methods: Treatment consisted of correction of a retrognathic mandible using DOG (30
patients) or BSSO (35 patients). Subjective IAN function was recorded using a questionnaire 1 year after surgery. A total of 130 IANs were evaluated.

Results: In 37 nerves (28.5%), an IAN disturbance was observed. In this group of 37 nerves, BSSO had
been performed in 26 (70.3%) and DOG in 11 (29.7%). After eliminating confounders (eg, age, amount
of advancement, gender), no significant difference (odds ratio 0.652, 95% confidence interval 0.221 to
1.920) was found. Age was significantly related to subjective IAN disturbances for women but not for
men. This was seen in women older than 22 years and increased for women older than 36 years to an
odds ratio of 22.8 (95% confidence interval 2.580 to 201.488). Satisfaction also correlated with age,
independent of gender.

Conclusion: No difference was found in subjective IAN disturbances after 1 year between DOG and
BSSO for lengthening the mandible.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)910-918
JournalJournal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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