Sustainable employability of workers in a vulnerable position: The role of occupational health professionals and supervisors

Rosanne Schaap

    Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

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    The overall aim of this thesis is to address the importance of improving the health and sustainable employability of workers in a vulnerable position, more specifically of workers with a lower SEP and workers with a work disability, and to investigate how workers with a lower SEP and with problems on multiple life domains can be adequately supported by OHPs, and how workers with a work disability can be adequately supported by supervisors at the workplace. The specific aims are: 1. To investigate the differences of exit from work on health between workers with a low SEP and workers with a high SEP. 2. To develop and evaluate a preventive intervention for OHPs to improve the health and sustainable employability of workers with a lower SEP and with problems on multiple life domains, and to explore facilitators and barriers for implementation of these types of preventive interventions in occupational health practice. 3. To explore the needs of workers with a work disability with respect to the guidance of supervisors in relation to their sustainable employability, and to evaluate an intervention for supervisors to improve the sustainable employability of workers with a work disability.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    • Anema, Johannes Regnerus, Supervisor, -
    • Boot, C.R.L., Supervisor, -
    • Schaafsma, F., Co-supervisor, -
    • Huijsmans, M.A., Co-supervisor, -
    Award date31 Jan 2024
    Print ISBNs9789464834871
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2024


    • Sustainable employability
    • Socioeconomic position
    • Employee
    • Work disability
    • Health problems
    • Occupational health professional
    • Supervisor
    • Participatory Approach
    • Workplace intervention
    • Training

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