Terrorscapes (website and digital platform)

R. van der Laarse (Designer), B. Baillie (Designer), F. Mazzucchelli (Designer)

Research output: Web publication or Non-textual formDesignOther research output


Terrorscapes is a transdisciplinary, international network of scholars and professionals that will critically analyze how, where, when and/or if key places and times of twentieth-century terror and mass violence in Europe are presented, interpreted and represented. We use a range of perspectives and methodologies, as well as a comparative approach, to analyze how ‘memory discourses’ operate as vehicles of local, national, continental and global identity building in the present.

We seek to understand both what happened as well as how the space-times of memory have been collectively remembered, instrumentalized or forgotten. Rather than emphasize more ’subjective’ or ‘objective’ approaches to memory, we aim to call attention to the complex interactions of materiality, texts and practices which may result in the re- and co-constitution of subject-object relations. For example:
How are material remnants converted into traces and monumentalized (or forgotten)?
How are witnesses included and created in archives and then used in historiography?
What are the relations between fictional and historical narrations and how are they mediated through particular ‘discursive genres’ (movies, tv-series, other mass-media and new technologies of communications)?
How do different types of memory places (memorials, museums, monuments, archaeological digs, artistic performances, ritual ceremonies, cemeteries, forgotten landscapes) and their afterlives manifest and mediate diverse memory-making policies?
How is memory narrated through space?
How is collective memory performed through “spatial practices” (tourism, commemorations, bodies)?

Through our collective comparative approach to Terrorscapes, we pay attention to spatial narratives of memory, through geographical spaces and scales, material culture and landscapes, mediated ‘scapes’, national and regional heritage claims, and transcultural processes.

We anticipate that the outcomes of our collaborative and comparative research may provide new models and conceptual maps that may help address and allow various parties to work through heritage dissonances, and contested and painful pasts. For this reason we work with a range of other international networks and institutions.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTerrorscapes © 2012 All Rights Reserved
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Terrorscapes is supported by NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek), NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences) and AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council); webmasters Francesco Mazzucchelli (TraMe Bologna) and Britt Baillie (Cambridge), supervisor Rob van der Laarse. Naast de website www.terrorscapes.org is er een actieve facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/terrorscapes


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