The absolute prohibition of torture and exceptional circumstances: Third Party Intervention in the case of C.O.C.G. and Others v Lithuania before the European Court of Human Rights

Twenty-two academics, led by Professor Nora Markard

Research output: Book / ReportReportAcademic


Given the recent trends in states’ responses to the facilitation of border crossings, framed as ‘hybrid attacks’ and an ’instrumentalisation’ of migrants, we are publishing this Bonavero Report with an aim to provide an authoritative statement of what the international law on non-refoulement obligations requires from states, even under difficult political circumstances. This report reproduces the Third Party Intervention submitted to the ECtHR in the case of C.O.C.G. and Others v Lithuania,9 currently pending before the Grand Chamber. It was jointly drafted by twenty-two academics, led by Professor Nora Markard at the Chair for Public Law and Human Rights at the University of Münster. Professor Başak Çalı, the Head of Research at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, is one of academics contributing to the intervention.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherBonavero Reports Series
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2025

Publication series

NameBonavero Reports Series
PublisherThe Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford


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