The clinical significance of implant stability quotient (ISQ) measurements: A literature review

H. Huang, G. Wu, E. Hunziker

Research output: Contribution to JournalReview articleAcademicpeer-review


Implant stability quotients (ISQ values) are obtained in dental clinical practice on a non-invasive basis by resonance frequency measurement rapidly after surgical placement of implants. The ISQ-values are used as indicator for mechanical implant stability, and are believed to have predictive power for clinical outcome. It is the aim of this review to provide a synopsis of all factors described in the literature that influence ISQ measurements by performing an exhaustive literature review; moreover, this review aims at elucidating the key factors relevant for a rapid clinical predictive assessment. We searched systematically and exhaustively all major databases for publications relating to ISQ measurement methodology and for ISQ-influencing factor analyses. The reports identified were ordered in experimental (preclinical) studies and in clinical publications. We were able to identify 13 basic factors influencing ISQ-measurements. Among these, local bone quality, playing a key role in such measurements, was subdivided in four specific subfactors; thus a total of 17 individual factors was identified and reported to influence ISQ-measurements. A comprehensive list of these factors is provided in Table-form. A critical analysis points out that only 6 of these factors are of a sound predictive power useful for a rapid clinical assessment; and only two of these factors appear to have a well-documented scientific basis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)629-638
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020


China Scholarship Council (to H H); Foundation of the clinic of osteoporosis, Inselspital Bern (to EBH); Natural National Science Foundation, China (to GW). This study was financially supported by the Chinese Scholarship Counsel (to Hairong Huang), by the Foundation of the Clinic of Osteoporosis, Inselspital (University Hospital)d (to Ernst B Hunziker), and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81470724 , to Gang Wu). China Scholarship Council (to H H); Foundation of the clinic of osteoporosis, Inselspital Bern (to EBH); Natural National Science Foundation, China (to GW).This study was financially supported by the Chinese Scholarship Counsel (to Hairong Huang), by the Foundation of the Clinic of Osteoporosis, Inselspital (University Hospital)d (to Ernst B Hunziker), and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81470724, to Gang Wu).

FundersFunder number
Chinese Scholarship Counsel
Natural National Science Foundation
Natural Science Foundation of Nantong City
National Natural Science Foundation of China81470724


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