The contribution of CHEK2 to the TP53-negative Li-Fraumeni phenotype

M.W.G. Ruijs, A. Broeks, F.H. Menko, M.G. Ausems, A.M. Wagner, R. Oldenburg, J.E. Heijboer-Meijers, L.J. van 't Veer, S.C. Verhoef

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    Background: CHEK2 has previously been excluded as a major cause of Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS). One particular CHEK2 germline mutation, c.1100delC, has been shown to be associated with elevated breast cancer risk. The prevalence of CHEK21100delC differs between populations and has been found to be relatively high in the Netherlands. The question remains nevertheless whether CHEK2 germline mutations contribute to the Li-Fraumeni phenotype.Methods: We have screened 65 Dutch TP53-negative LFS/LFL candidate patients for CHEK2 germline mutations to determine their contribution to the LFS/LFL phenotype.Results: We identified six index patients with a CHEK2 sequence variant, four with the c.1100delC variant and two sequence variants of unknown significance, p.Phe328Ser and c.1096-?_1629+?del.Conclusion: Our data show that CHEK2 is not a major LFS susceptibility gene in the Dutch population. However, CHEK2 might be a factor contributing to individual tumour development in TP53-negative cancer-prone families. © 2009 Ruijs et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalHereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice
    Publication statusPublished - 2009

    Bibliographical note

    J FEB 17


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