The effect of local kinematic changes on anticipation judgements

R. Canal Bruland, W.F. van Ginneken, B.R. van der Meer, A.M. Williams

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Skilled tennis players rely on a more global than local perceptual strategy when anticipating an opponent's shot direction in tennis (Williams, Huys, Cañal-Bruland, & Hagemann, 2009). Global perceptual strategy refers to the pick-up of dynamic information across different body areas rather than from a single source such as the arm or racket. We extend previous work by examining the spatiotemporal characteristics of visual information pick-up when anticipating shot direction in tennis. We perturbed information from various body locations by interchanging the dynamics of selected areas with those from strokes played to the opposite side of the court. In addition, we presented each manipulation under four different temporal occlusion conditions (from 240. ms prior to racket-ball contact) to examine the time course of information extraction. Skilled tennis players outperformed less skilled counterparts in predicting shot direction, even at early phases of the opponent's motion. Moreover, skilled players showed significant decrements in performance when the arms and racket were perturbed, highlighting the relevance of distal information when anticipating opponents' intentions. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)495-503
    JournalHuman Movement Science
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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