The photon PDF from high-mass Drell Yan data at the LHC

F. Giuli, xFitter Developers' team, V. Bertone, D. Britzger, Stefano Carrazza, Amanda Cooper-Sarkar, Alexander Glazov, K. Lohwasser, Agnieszka Luszczak, F. Olness, R. Placakyte, V. Radescu, J. Rojo, R. Sadykov, P. Shvydkin, Oleksandr Zenaiev, Mykhailo Lisovyi

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Achieving the highest precision for theoretical predictions at the LHC requires the calculation of hard-scattering cross-sections that include perturbative QCD corrections up to (N)NNLO and electroweak (EW) corrections up to NLO. Parton distribution functions (PDFs) need to be provided with matching accuracy, which in the case of QED effects involves introducing the photon parton distribution of the proton, xγ(x, Q2). In this work a determination of the photon PDF from fits to recent ATLAS measurements of high-mass Drell-Yan dilepton production at √s = 8 TeV is presented. This analysis is based on the xFitter framework, and has required improvements both in the APFEL program, to account for NLO QED effects, and in the aMCfast interface to account for the photon-initiated contributions in the EW calculations within MadGraph5_aMC@NLO. The results are compared with other recent QED fits and determinations of the photon PDF, consistent results are found.
Original languageEnglish
Article number400
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2017

Bibliographical note

20 pages, 13 figures, to be submitted to JHEP


We thank L. Harland-Lang for providing us the LHAPDF6 grid of the HKR16 photon determination. We thank A. Sapronov for providing support to the xFitter platform. We thank P. Starovoitov for discussions related to the APPLgrid files. We thank M. Zinser for discussions related to the ATLAS data. We thank M. Dyndal for discussions on the scale choices for the photon-induced contributions. The work of V. B., F. G., J. R. has been supported by the European Research Council Starting Grant “PDF4BSM”. The work of S. C. is supported by the HICCUP ERC Consolidator grant (614577). A. L. thanks for the support from the Mobility Plus Grant No. 1320/MOB/IV/2015/0. The work of F. O. has been supported by the US DoE Grant DE-SC0010129. The work of P. S and R. S. has been supported by the BMBF-JINR cooperation. We are grateful to the DESY IT department for their support of the xFitter developers.

FundersFunder number
HICCUP ERC1320/MOB/IV/2015/0
U.S. Department of EnergyDE-SC0010129
Seventh Framework Programme614577
Science and Technology Facilities CouncilST/N000447/1
European Research Council


    • hep-ph


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