The social networks and support of juvenile sex offenders: Before, during and after their treatment

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Recent empirical studies have found evidence for the rehabilitative effect of social networks and support by these networks. Specifically for individuals convicted for a sexual offense it is assumed that their social network and support by this network are important protective factors against further delinquency (Dong & Krohn, 2017). However, empirical studies have also found that the quality of social support and the network of individuals convicted for a sexual offense is often inadequate, causing sex offenders to experience high levels of social isolation and loneliness (Marshall, 1989; 2010; Miner & Munns, 2005). For juveniles who committed a sexual offense the role of social networks and support by these networks might be even more salient, because they are in a developmental stage where the social network of family and peers is highly influential on their life outcomes (Sampson & Laub, 1993). This presentation will focus on examining a sample of about 150 juveniles who received treatment for committing a sexual offense. First, the influence of their social network and support by this network on the commission of the sexual offense will be presented. Thus, testing the assumption of an association between social support and the social network of the offender on the type of sexual offense committed. Second, the role of social networks and support during and after treatment will be examined to establish whether and how they have an effect on treatment outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2018
EventATSA conference 2018: 37th Annual Research And Treatment Conference sponsored by the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) - Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 17 Oct 201820 Oct 2018


ConferenceATSA conference 2018


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