The Strangest Proton?

Ferran Faura, Shayan Iranipour, Emanuele R. Nocera, Juan Rojo, Maria Ubiali

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We present an improved determination of the strange quark and anti-quark parton distribution functions of the proton by means of a global QCD analysis that takes into account a comprehensive set of strangeness-sensitive measurements: charm-tagged cross sections for fixed-target neutrino-nucleus deep-inelastic scattering, and cross sections for inclusive gauge-boson production and $W$-boson production in association with light jets or charm quarks at hadron colliders. Our analysis is accurate to next-to-next-to leading order in perturbative QCD and specifically includes charm-quark mass corrections to neutrino-nucleus structure functions. We find that a good overall description of the input dataset can be achieved and that a strangeness moderately suppressed in comparison to the rest of the light sea quarks is strongly favored by the global analysis.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1168
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 19 Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

5 pages + supplementary material, 13 figures, PDF sets available from


We are grateful to Jun Gao for providing us with the NNLO K-factors for the NuTeV and the NOMAD measurements, and for help into the benchmark of the corresponding NLO calculations. We thank Valerio Bertone for assistance with the usage of APFEL , Lucian Harland-Lang for discussions on the massive corrections to dimuon production, and Rabah Abdul-Khalek, Amanda Cooper-Sarkar, Stefano Forte, Katerina Lipka, Gavin Pownall and Cameron Voisey for comments on the manuscript. E.R.N. is supported by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ParDHonS FFs.TMDs (Grant number 752748). J.R. is partially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). M.U. and S.I. are partially supported by the STFC grant ST/L000385/1 and by the Royal Society grant RGF/EA/180148. The work of M.U. is also funded by the Royal Society grant DH150088 and supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme (Grant agreement n.950246). We are grateful to Jun Gao for providing us with the NNLO K -factors for the NuTeV and the NOMAD measurements, and for help into the benchmark of the corresponding NLO calculations. We thank Valerio Bertone for assistance with the usage of APFEL , Lucian Harland-Lang for discussions on the massive corrections to dimuon production, and Rabah Abdul-Khalek, Amanda Cooper-Sarkar, Stefano Forte, Katerina Lipka, Gavin Pownall and Cameron Voisey for comments on the manuscript. E.R.N. is supported by the European Commission through the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Action ParDHonS FFs.TMDs (Grant number 752748). J.R. is partially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). M.U. and S.I. are partially supported by the STFC grant ST/L000385/1 and by the Royal Society grant RGF/EA/180148. The work of M.U. is also funded by the Royal Society grant DH150088 and supported by the European Research Council under the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme (Grant agreement n.950246).

FundersFunder number
Curie Action ParDHonS FFs.TMDs
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action ParDHonS FFs.TMDs
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme950246, 752748
Science and Technology Facilities CouncilST/L000385/1
Royal SocietyDH150088, RGF/EA/180148
European Commission
European Research Council
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek


    • hep-ph
    • hep-ex
    • hep-lat
    • nucl-th


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