The use of a test for neuroticism, extraversion and rigidity in Dutch immigrant groups.

J. te Nijenhuis, H. van der Flier, van Leeuwen

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    The questions addressed are whether a taxonomy with the basic dimensions Neuroticism and Extraversion and the dimension Rigidity can be generalised to immigrant groups in the Netherlands, and whether scores on the IRT (ICIP [Institute for Clinical and Industrial Psychology, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands] Rigidity Test) can be used for assessment of job applicants within these groups. Use was made of test data on first-generation immigrants (N = 1,302) and majority group members (N = 796) applying for blue-collar jobs at Dutch Railways. The scales appear to measure the same constructs in the various groups and the majority of the items do not show differential item functioning. Therefore the taxonomy can be generalised to immigrant populations and the questionnaire can be put to good use for comparisons within culturally homogeneous groups of non-native born, non-native language immigrant job applicants. More research is needed to determine whether the same position on the personality scales for persons from different groups leads to the same job-related social behavior.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)630-647
    JournalApplied Psychology
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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