Time integrative sampling properties of Speedisk and silicone rubber passive samplers determined by chemical analysis and in vitro bioassay testing

Jasperien de Weert, Foppe Smedes, Henry Beeltje, Dick de Zwart, Timo Hamers*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Compared to grab samples, passive samplers have the advantage that they sample over a longer time period and can detect lower compound concentrations in water quality monitoring campaigns. To allow the determination of time-weighted average concentrations, however, sampler uptake should remain linear in time over the entire sampling period. Therefore, the time integrative or linear uptake properties of adsorption-based Speedisks and partitioning-based silicone rubber samplers were assessed with respect to chemically analyzed single compounds and measured bioactivity in in vitro bioassays. Both sampler types were deployed in consecutive and overlapping time series in a WTTP effluent and in the river Meuse up to 105 days. Extracts were chemically analyzed for PCBs, PAHs and pesticides and tested in the Aliivibrio fischeri and DR-LUC bioassays. Speedisks showed time integrative sampling for the detected pesticides as well as for bioassay responses at both sampling locations for the entire sampling period. The silicone rubber samplers showed poor linear uptake in time for the unknown compounds causing bioassay responses. The bioassay results indicate that conversion of a bioassay response to a passive sampler extract into a time-weighted average bioactivity per liter water seems justified for Speedisks, confirming that concentrations in the samplers correspond to a single volume of sampled water for all compounds. The bioassay results also indicate that a similar conversion for silicone rubber extracts should be interpreted with caution. In principle, it is actually impossible, because the concentration of each compound contributing to the bioassay response corresponds to a different sampled water volume.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127498
Pages (from-to)1-1
Number of pages11
Early online date29 Jul 2020
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020


This study was performed within the TIPTOP project that was funded by a Long-Range Initiative grant ( LRI ECO23 ) from the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). The connected Research Liaison Team is acknowledged for providing feedback and guidance during the progress of the project. Moreover, the authors acknowledge Marcel Kotte (Rijkswaterstaat) and Jan Wout Koelewijn (Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe) for providing access to the passive sampling locations at the river Meuse in Eijsden and WWTP Amersfoort, respectively, and Prof. Mike Denison (University of California, Davis CA) for providing us with the H4L1.1c4 (DR-LUC) reporter gene cell line. This study was performed within the TIPTOP project that was funded by a Long-Range Initiative grant (LRI ECO23) from the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). The connected Research Liaison Team is acknowledged for providing feedback and guidance during the progress of the project. Moreover, the authors acknowledge Marcel Kotte (Rijkswaterstaat) and Jan Wout Koelewijn (Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe) for providing access to the passive sampling locations at the river Meuse in Eijsden and WWTP Amersfoort, respectively, and Prof. Mike Denison (University of California, Davis CA) for providing us with the H4L1.1c4 (DR-LUC) reporter gene cell line.

FundersFunder number
Jan Wout Koelewijn
Marcel Kotte
European Chemical Industry Council


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