To adopt or reject? Testing the robustness of a principle-based scenario for guiding effective student questioning.

Harry Stokhof, B. de Vries, T. Bastiaens, R. Martens

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Guiding student questioning to become effective for attaining
    curriculum objectives is a challenge for many teachers. In two
    previous studies a principle-based scenario was developed in
    two primary schools to enhance teacher guidance of effective
    student questioning. This study aims to determine to what ex-
    tent the scenario for teacher guidance is robust and transferrab-
    le to other teachers in different primary school settings. To test
    its robustness, 15 trainers introduced the scenario in 23 primary
    schools to 103 teachers. After teachers completed a six-week
    trial, they indicated in a questionnaire if they were inclined to
    adopt, adapt, or reject the scenario for future use. Results show
    that approximately 80% of all teachers would like to adopt the
    scenario. About 55% of the teachers see opportunities to adapt
    the scenario to their needs. However, about 20% of the teachers
    EDeR Contribution Type Title Text-Mentor Abstract Authors
    For details on the EDeR Text-Mentoring concept:
    feel not yet able to judge if and how to adapt, having completed
    only one trial. The conclusion is that most teachers, despite dif-
    ferences in age, gender, grade, experience and school contexts,
    are willing and able to guide effective student questioning with
    the help of the scenario. From a theoretical point of view, this
    study provides further insight in how successful implementation
    can supported by a principle-based design.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number13
    Pages (from-to)1-23
    Number of pages23
    JournalEducational Design Research
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2018


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