Toward a function-first framework to make soil microbial ecology predictive

Lettice C. Hicks*, Beat Frey, Rasmus Kjøller, Martin Lukac, Mari Moora, James T. Weedon, Johannes Rousk

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Soil microbial communities perform vital ecosystem functions, such as the decomposition of organic matter to provide plant nutrition. However, despite the functional importance of soil microorganisms, attribution of ecosystem function to particular constituents of the microbial community has been impeded by a lack of information linking microbial function to community composition and structure. Here, we propose a function-first framework to predict how microbial communities influence ecosystem functions. We first view the microbial community associated with a specific function as a whole and describe the dependence of microbial functions on environmental factors (e.g., the intrinsic temperature dependence of bacterial growth rates). This step defines the aggregate functional response curve of the community. Second, the contribution of the whole community to ecosystem function can be predicted, by combining the functional response curve with current environmental conditions. Functional response curves can then be linked with taxonomic data in order to identify sets of “biomarker” taxa that signal how microbial communities regulate ecosystem functions. Ultimately, such indicator taxa may be used as a diagnostic tool, enabling predictions of ecosystem function from community composition. In this paper, we provide three examples to illustrate the proposed framework, whereby the dependence of bacterial growth on environmental factors, including temperature, pH, and salinity, is defined as the functional response curve used to interlink soil bacterial community structure and function. Applying this framework will make it possible to predict ecosystem functions directly from microbial community composition.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article numbere03594
    Pages (from-to)1-9
    Number of pages9
    Issue number2
    Early online date22 Nov 2021
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022

    Bibliographical note

    Funding Information:
    We thank Bruce Hungate for incisive comments that helped us clarify our perspective. We would also like to acknowledge networking support by WG2 of the COST Action FP1305 ?BioLink.? This work was supported by grants from The Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsr?det (2020-03858 and 2020-04083), The Swedish Research Council Formas (2018-01315), The European Regional Developmental Fund (Centre of Excellence Ecolchange), The Estonian Research Council (PRG 1065), and The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2017.0171). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Funding Information:
    We thank Bruce Hungate for incisive comments that helped us clarify our perspective. We would also like to acknowledge networking support by WG2 of the COST Action FP1305 “BioLink.” This work was supported by grants from The Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet (2020‐03858 and 2020‐04083), The Swedish Research Council Formas (2018‐01315), The European Regional Developmental Fund (Centre of Excellence Ecolchange), The Estonian Research Council (PRG 1065), and The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2017.0171). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Publisher Copyright:
    © 2021 The Authors. Ecology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Ecological Society of America.


    We thank Bruce Hungate for incisive comments that helped us clarify our perspective. We would also like to acknowledge networking support by WG2 of the COST Action FP1305 ?BioLink.? This work was supported by grants from The Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsr?det (2020-03858 and 2020-04083), The Swedish Research Council Formas (2018-01315), The European Regional Developmental Fund (Centre of Excellence Ecolchange), The Estonian Research Council (PRG 1065), and The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2017.0171). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. We thank Bruce Hungate for incisive comments that helped us clarify our perspective. We would also like to acknowledge networking support by WG2 of the COST Action FP1305 “BioLink.” This work was supported by grants from The Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet (2020‐03858 and 2020‐04083), The Swedish Research Council Formas (2018‐01315), The European Regional Developmental Fund (Centre of Excellence Ecolchange), The Estonian Research Council (PRG 1065), and The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW 2017.0171). The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    FundersFunder number
    Centre of Excellence Ecolchange
    Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsrådet2020‐04083, 2020‐03858
    European Cooperation in Science and TechnologyFP1305
    Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas2018‐01315
    Eesti TeadusagentuurPRG 1065
    Knut och Alice Wallenbergs StiftelseKAW 2017.0171
    European Regional Development Fund


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