Transforming research and innovation for sustainable food systems-A coupled-systems perspective

Kristiaan P. W. Kok*, Alanya C. L. Den Boer, Tomris Cesuroglu, Marjoleine G. Van Der Meij, Renée De Wildt-liesveld, Barbara J. Regeer, Jacqueline E. W. Broerse

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Current research and innovation (R&I) systems are not equipped to fully serve as catalysts for the urgently needed transformation of food systems. Though research on food systems transformation (first order: ‘what?’) and transformative research (second order: ‘how to’) are rapidly gaining traction in academic and policy environments, current efforts fail to explicitly recognize the systemic nature of the challenges associated with performing transformative second-order research. To recognize these manifold and interlinked challenges embedded in R&I systems, there is a need for a coupled-systems perspective. Transformations are needed in food systems as well as R&I systems (‘how to do the “how to”’). We set out to conceptualize an approach that aims to trigger double transformations by nurturing innovations at the boundaries of R&I systems and food systems that act upon systemic leverage points, so that their multisystem interactions can better support food system transformations. We exemplify this coupled-systems approach by introducing the FIT4FOOD2030 project with its 25 living labs as a promising multilevel boundary innovation at the cross-section of R&I and food systems. We illustrate how this approach paves the way for double systems transformations, and therefore for an R&I system that is fit for future-proofing food systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7176
Pages (from-to)1-23
Number of pages23
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2019


Funding: This research is supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774088, project FIT4FOOD2030 (Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030). This research is supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774088, project FIT4FOOD2030 (Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030). We would like to acknowledge the participants of the FOOD 2030 Platform (including Lab coordinators, consortium members, the EU Think Tank and our Advisory Board) for the fruitful and many discussions on realizing double systems transformations.

FundersFunder number
Horizon 2020 Framework ProgrammeFIT4FOOD2030, 774088
European Commission


    • Boundary innovations
    • Complexity
    • Food systems
    • Research and innovation
    • Societal transformation
    • Sustainability transitions
    • Transdisciplinarity


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