Using multiple ontologies as background knowledge in ontology matching

Zharko Aleksovski, Warner Ten Kate, Frank Van Harmelen

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePaperOther research output


Using ontology as a background knowledge in ontology match- ing is being actively investigated. Recently the idea attracted attention because of the growing number of available ontologies, which in turn opens up new opportunities, and reduces the problem of nding candi- date background knowledge. Particularly interesting is the approach of using multiple ontologies as background knowledge, which we explore in this paper. We report on an experimental study conducted using real-life ontologies published online. The rst contribution of this paper is an exploration about how the matching performance behaves when multiple background ontologies are used cumulatively. As a second contribution, we analyze the impact that dierent types of background ontologies have to the matching perfor- mance. With respect to the precision and recall, more background knowl- edge monotonically increases the recall, while the precision depends on the quality of the added background ontology, with high quality tending to increase, and the low quality tending to decrease the precision.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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