Using reflection techniques for flexible problem solving (with examples from diagnosis)

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Flexible problem solving consists of the dynamic selection and configuration of problem solving methods for a particular problem type, depending on the particular problem and the goal of problem solving. In this paper, we propose an architecture that supports such flexible problem solving automatically. For this purpose, problem solving methods are described in a uniform way, by an abstract model of components, which together define the functionality of the methods. Such an abstract model is used for dynamic selection and configuration of the problem solving methods. The proposed architecture for flexible problem solving consists of well known reflection techniques: two object-meta relations, a definable naming mechanism and the axiomhood and theoremhood reflection rules. We have succeeded in using standard meta-architecture techniques to enable flexible problem solving.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-234
Number of pages18
JournalFuture Generation Computer Systems
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 1996


  • Applications of meta-reasoning
  • Architectures for meta-reasoning
  • Configuration of problem solving methods
  • Diagnosis


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