Verwijzing naar revalidatie bij blijvende visuele beperkingen: richtlijn van het Nederlands Oogheelkundig gezelschap

M.R. de Boer, M.W. Langendam, N.M. Jansonius, G.H.M.B. van Rens

    Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademic


    The Dutch Society of Ophthalmology (NOG) has developed an evidence-based guideline for the referral of visually impaired people for rehabilitation and support. Referral for rehabilitation and support must be preceded by diagnosis and treatment. Consultation of an ophthalmologist is essential. Information about the disease should be given to the patient orally as well as in writing. The ophthalmologist brings up the possibility of rehabilitation in the presence of a visual acuity < 0.5 and/or visual field of < 30 degrees in the better eye and a well-defined request for help. Visually impaired patients with a relatively simple request for help are referred to a specialised optometrist whenever possible. Visually impaired patients with more complex requests for help are referred to a multidisciplinary (regional or national) rehabilitation centre for people with a visual handicap. Visually impaired and blind patients are informed about the existence of patient organisations. Referral for rehabilitation is done by means of a structured letter with all relevant information. A copy of this letter should be sent to the family physician and all other attending physicians
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)1502-1504
    JournalNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
    Issue number27
    Early online date2 Jul 2005
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

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