VIPP-LD: A promising Video Feedback intervention program for parents with ID

M.W. Hodes, S. Kef, H.M. Meppelder, C. Schuengel

Research output: Contribution to JournalMeeting AbstractOther research output


Aim: Parenting support has been shown to be of benefit to parents with
intellectual disabilities (ID) on several outcomes; however, effects on
parent-child interaction in the form of sensitive responsiveness and positive
inductive discipline are still under debate. This study tested the effects of
an evidence-based parenting support program adapted for parents with
Method: Videofeedback Intervention for Positive Parenting-Learning Difficulties (VIPP-LD) involves 15 home visits which center around videotaped parent-child interactions, and supporting the development of parenting skills and reinforcing their application. A randomized clinical trial is in its final stages of completion, based on 80 families recruited from care organisations. Nineteen (19) professionals were trained to deliver the intervention under the supervision of 12 psychologists. Outcomes were assessed using pre-, post-test and follow-up observational and self-report instruments.
Results and Conclusions: Parents and professionals assessed the social validity of the program as high. Short-term effects based on pre- and post-test measures for the experimental and control group will be presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)746-746
JournalJournal of Intellectual Disability Research
Issue number7-8
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2012 IASSID World Congress -
Duration: 9 Jul 201214 Jul 2012


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