Viscoelastic materials are most energy efficient when loaded and unloaded at equal rates

Lucien Tsai, Paco Navarro, Siqi Wu, Taylor Levinson, Elizabeth Mendoza, M. Janneke Schwaner, Monica A. Daley, Emanuel Azizi, Mark Ilton

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Biological springs can be used in nature for energy conservation and ultra-fast motion. The loading and unloading rates of elastic materials can play an important role in determining how the properties of these springs affect movements. We investigate the mechanical energy efficiency of biological springs (American bullfrog plantaris tendons and guinea fowl lateral gastrocnemius tendons) and synthetic elastomers. We measure these materials under symmetric rates (equal loading and unloading durations) and asymmetric rates (unequal loading and unloading durations) using novel dynamic mechanical analysis measurements. We find that mechanical efficiency is highest at symmetric rates and significantly decreases with a larger degree of asymmetry. A generalized one-dimensional Maxwell model with no fitting parameters captures the experimental results based on the independently characterized linear viscoelastic properties of the materials. The model further shows that a broader viscoelastic relaxation spectrum enhances the effect of rate-asymmetry on efficiency. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the interplay between material properties and unloading dynamics in both biological and synthetic elastic systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number20230527
JournalJournal of the Royal Society Interface
Issue number210
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2024
Externally publishedYes


The authors thank Mikayla Mann for helpful discussions. M.I. acknowledges funding support from the NSF for this work under grant no. 2019371. L.T., P.N., S.W. and T.L. acknowledge funding support from the Harvey Mudd College Physics Summer Research Fund.

FundersFunder number
Harvey Mudd College Physics
National Science Foundation2019371
National Science Foundation


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