Work towards Vitality: Integrating vitality in the workplace is work for everyone

Denise Johanna Maria Smit

    Research output: PhD ThesisPhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal

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    In this dissertation, an integrated workplace health promotion program (WHPP) was developed, implemented and evaluated. Whereas many WHPPs target either the individual or organizational level, an integrated WHPP targets both levels simultaneously. Thereby potentially influencing both the conscious and non-conscious choices regarding health. A good example of such an integrated WHPP is the Lombardy Workplace Health Promotion Network (LWHPN). We tailored the LWHPN to the Dutch context, with input from Dutch employers and employees. Next, the integrated WHPP was implemented in four Dutch organizations. To evaluate the implementation process and effectiveness of the integrated WHPP, we conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial, in which a process evaluation was embedded. The primary outcome measure of the effect evaluation was the lifestyle of employees. Sedentary work is on the rise, and prolonged sitting is associated with physical and mental issues. Hence, it can be seen as an important topic to be included in an integrated WHPP. To gain more insight in the relationship between sitting and work-related outcomes, we assessed whether there was an association between sedentary behavior at work and the need for recovery (NFR)? Based on our research it can be concluded that the implementation of the integrated WHPP was challenging, which may have contributed to the absence of a measurable effect on employees' lifestyle. Although no improvement in lifestyle was observed, the participating organizations did make progress in workplace health promotion. Moreover, the organizations intended to continue the implementation of the integrated WHPP after the end of the study. To improve the implementation and effectiveness of WHPPs, several organizational conditions are essential. This includes the development and implementation of health promotion policies and raising awareness among higher management about their role and responsibility in creating a healthy work environment. Other important structural adjustments involve incorporating health promotion into the organization's mission and vision and allocating sufficient time and budget for WHPP implementation. Furthermore, the use of adequate implementation strategies is crucial, such as actively involving employees in the development and implementation of WHPPs. With regard towards the study about sedentary behavior and the NFR, it appeared that longer periods of sitting were associated with a lower NFR after work. Longer bouts of prolonged sitting may indicate fewer interruptions in completing work tasks. When work tasks are interrupted less frequently, there is a greater likelihood that the tasks are completed by the end of the day. This may have a positive effect on the NFR. This implies that WHPPs should aim to reduce total sitting time, without interrupting the working tasks. To further improve the impact of WHPPs on employee health, a Total Worker Health approach is recommended. This approach not only focuses on healthy lifestyle choices but also addresses work-related health risks. The integrated WHPP, as described in this dissertation, provides a solid foundation for future WHPPs. By expanding the catalogue with activities targeting work-related risks, the integrated WHPP can be further developed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    • Proper, Karin Ingeborg, Supervisor, -
    • Engels, J.A., Co-supervisor, -
    • van Oostrom, Sandra Helena, Co-supervisor, -
    Award date9 Jan 2025
    Print ISBNs9789493406292
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2025


    • Workplace health promotion
    • integrated approach
    • occupational health
    • intervention
    • implementation
    • effect evaluation
    • lifestyle
    • sedentary behavior
    • mixed methods


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