Working alliance inventory for online interventions-short form (Wai-tech-sf): The role of the therapeutic alliance between patient and online program in therapeutic outcomes

Rocío Herrero, Ma Dolores Vara, Marta Miragall, Cristina Botella, Azucena García-Palacios, Heleen Riper, Annet Kleiboer, Rosa Ma Baños

Research output: Contribution to JournalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Background: Therapeutic alliance (TA) between the patient and therapist has been related to positive therapeutic outcomes. Because Internet-based interventions are increasingly being implemented, a tool is needed to measure the TA with Internet-based self-guided programs. The Working Alliance Inventory for online interventions (WAI-TECH-SF) was adapted based on the WAI Short Form (Hatcher & Gillaspy, 2006). The objectives of this study were: (1) to analyse the psychometric properties of the WAI-TECH-SF; (2) to explore the differences in the WAI-TECH-SF scores according to different categories of the sample; and (3) to analyse whether the WAI-TECH-SF can predict therapeutic outcomes and satisfaction with the treatment. Methods: 193 patients diagnosed with depression were included and received blended Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. Measures of preferences, satisfaction, and credibility about the treatment, TA with the online program, depressive symptoms, and satisfaction with the treatment were administered. Results: An exploratory factor analysis revealed a one-dimensional structure with adequate internal consistency. Linear regression analyses showed that the WAI-TECH-SF predicted changes in depressive symptoms and satisfaction with the treatment. Conclusions: WAI-TECH-SF is a reliable questionnaire to assess the TA between the patient and the online program, which is associated with positive therapeutic outcomes and satisfaction with the treatment.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6169
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number17
Early online date15 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020

Bibliographical note

Special Issue: Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Mental Health Prevention and Treatment


This research was funded by European Commission (grant number FP7-Health-2013-Innovation-N603098) and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (“INTERSABIAS” project— PROMETEO/2018/110/Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura I Esport, Generalitat Valenciana). We would like to thank CIBERObn, an initiative of ISCIII (ISC III CB06 03/0052). Funding: This research was funded by European Commission (grant number FP7-Health-2013-Innovation-N603098) and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (“INTERSABIAS” project— PROMETEO/2018/110/Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura I Esport, Generalitat Valenciana).

FundersFunder number
Seventh Framework Programme603098
European Commission
Generalitat Valenciana
Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIISC III CB06 03/0052


    • Online interventions
    • Satisfaction with the treatment
    • Therapeutic alliance
    • Therapeutic outcomes


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