Writing History! A Companion for Historians

J.M. Kamp, Susan Legêne, M. van Rossum, S Rümke

Research output: Book / ReportBookProfessional


Historians not only have knowledge of history, but by writing about it and engaging with other historians from the past and present, they make history themselves. This companion offers young historians clear guidelines for the different phases of historical research; how do you get a good historical question? How do you engage with the literature? How do you work with sources from the past, from archives to imagery and objects, art, or landscapes? What is the influence of digitalisation of the historical craft? Broad in scope, Writing History! also addresses historians’ traditional support of policy makers and their activity in fields of public history, such as museums, the media, and the leisure sector, and offers support for developing the necessary skills for this wide range of professions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAmsterdam
PublisherAmsterdam University Press
Number of pages168
ISBN (Electronic)9789048537624
ISBN (Print)9789462986398
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Bibliographical note

Translation of the Dutch publication Geschiedenis schrijven! Een wegwijzer voor historici (2016)


  • methods
  • academic skills
  • Historiography
  • annotation
  • digital history

VU Research Profile

  • Connected World


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  • Kasteeltijd: De geschiedenis van nu en het historiseren van traditie (longread)

    Translated title of the contribution: Castle time: History of the present and historisizing of tradition (long read)Legêne, S., 3 May 2018

    Research output: Web publication or Non-textual formWeb publication or WebsiteProfessional

    Open Access

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