YH3 is insulating to at least 25 GPa, the optical gap extrapolates to zero at 55 Gpa

R.J. Wijngaarden, J.N. Huiberts, D.G. Nagengast, J.H. Rector, R.P. Griessen, M. Hanfland

Research output: Contribution to ConferencePosterOther research output

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1999
EventF Zontone , Physics of Solids Under high pressure using nuclear probes HPNP'99 - Cologne, Germany
Duration: 5 Sept 19998 Sept 1999


ConferenceF Zontone , Physics of Solids Under high pressure using nuclear probes HPNP'99

Bibliographical note

Place of publication: Cologne, Germany

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