Zooming into CP violation in B (s) → hh decays

Robert Fleischer, Ruben Jaarsma, K. Keri Vos*

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The LHCb collaboration has recently reported the first observation of CP violation in the penguin-dominated Bs0→ KK+ decay and further new measurements, indicating differences between the direct CP asymmetries of both the Bs0→ KK+, Bd0→ πK+ and the Bd0→ ππ+, Bs0→ Kπ+ modes. We show that these puzzling differences can be accommodated through sizeable penguin annihilation and exchange topologies in the Standard Model, and constrain them. Utilising the U-spin symmetry, we extract the angle γ of the unitarity triangle from the CP asymmetries in the Bs0→ KK+, Bd0→ ππ+ system alone, finding γ=(65−7+11)°, in perfect agreement with the determination from tree-level B → DK decays. The Bs0−B¯s0 mixing phase ϕs can be extracted from CP violation measurements in Bs0→ KK+ in a clean way. We present a new strategy and extract ϕs = −(3.6 ± 5.4)°. This result is in agreement with the determination from Bs0→ J/ψϕ decays. New CP-violating contributions would influence these determinations differently. Hence it is interesting to keep monitoring both as the experimental picture sharpens.

Original languageEnglish
Article number81
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number2
Early online date7 Feb 2023
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s).


  • Bottom Quarks
  • CP Violation


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